Monday, October 12, 2009


Declutter Your Closet and Simplify Your Life

Taming a closet full of clutter can be a fearful thing.

It's overwhelming, and we imagine it being a feat of herculean proportions, taking many moons to accomplish.

The wise man wearing only a shortie will tell you: is mustn’t be so arduous a task.

Simplify your life. Find out what is essential. Shortie.

Here’s how:

1. Get some time and get some boxes. A few hours because undoubtedly you got a lot of crap. Prepare boxes. Fill with crap. Remove boxes of crap from closet.

2. Remove the non-crap items and place in a pile. There shouldn’t be much in this pile as most of the items taking up closet space fell under the crap category.

3. Sort pile into 3 smaller piles. These 3 will be: Keep fo sho, toss out with other crap and a maybe pile.

4. Vacuum, dust and wipe down closet. Shortie don’t do dust, wipe that shit down.

5. Deal with the toss and maybe piles. Put the maybe pile into a box and label the box “maybe.” Store the maybe box somewhere out of the way. Now maybe those clothes are cool and likewise, maybe you’ll get in a threesome someday, maybe you’ll start flossing daily, maybe you’ll hit the jackpot, and maybe, just maybe that stuff was most certainly crap and belonged in the other pile. After 6 months, toss the maybe box unless one of the aforementioned events happened to occur.

6. Open the new package of shorties purchased from Place the shorties in the closet and bask in the pure minimalist glory.

Optional step 7: Enjoy a cup of coffee while admiring the shortie-filled closet.

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